History of doge cheems memes and doge coin start, investment of Elon Musk in dogecoin?

 This is based on a picture of year 2010 And got famous on year 2013 last. First first it's famous on reddit on r/dogelore than famous whole world. It's like to eat cheeseburgers so  got its name cheems. Her Memers using "M" letter in every generic word.

Doge memes
Doge and cheem

Know your meme (meme website) named this meme in year 2013 "Top meme". Its made by inspired of Shiba inu dog. Dog was recognised as one of the most loved internet memes of year 2010 by several online surveys and media outlets. 
Elon Musk doge coins
Elon Musk and doge 
Doge coin and doge meme relations

Doge coin is a cripto currency who made by inspired of doge memes. Its made in December 2013 . Doge coin get famous overworld in 2020. Doge coin gets total 90$ billion Successfull trade in May 2021.

Elon Musk and doge coins
Elon Musk and doge with dogecoin

Elon Musk invested in doge coin

Space X owner Elon Musk also invested in doge coin. He said he will reach doge into space. On 2 November  he tweeted Humankind. Some people's asked to him about dogecoin. These asked about "dogecoin and shiba inu rivalry.


Doge memes most lovers countries

1. Japan

2. Chaina

3. Hongkong

4. India

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