This is based on a picture of year 2010 And got famous on year 2013 last. First first it's famous on reddit on r/dogelore than famous whole world. It's like to eat cheeseburgers so got its name cheems. Her Memers using "M" letter in every generic word.
Doge and cheem |
Elon Musk and doge |
Doge coin is a cripto currency who made by inspired of doge memes. Its made in December 2013 . Doge coin get famous overworld in 2020. Doge coin gets total 90$ billion Successfull trade in May 2021.
Elon Musk and doge with dogecoin |
Elon Musk invested in doge coin
Space X owner Elon Musk also invested in doge coin. He said he will reach doge into space. On 2 November he tweeted Humankind. Some people's asked to him about dogecoin. These asked about "dogecoin and shiba inu rivalry.
Cheems |
Doge memes most lovers countries
1. Japan
2. Chaina
3. Hongkong
4. India